Useful Links
Here is our collection of essential links to services and products to help you navigate your way around Modena.
112 – Carabinieri (local police)
113 – Polizia (state police)
115 – Vigili del Fuoco (fire department)
116 – Soccorso Stradale (highway emergency)
118 – Ambulanza (ambulance)
Comune di Modena
Local government office
All things medical
Gruppo Hera
Utilities provider
CAF Italia
A centre offering services to support bureaucratic procedures
National train tickets and information
Local bus service

Airport transfer bus between Modena and Bologna Airport
Visit Modena
Modena tourism & events
Biblioteca del Comune di Modena
The Delfini Library in Modena
Modena in Vetrina e a Domicili App - Google Play
An app of news, events and businesses in Modena
Modena in Vetrina e a Domicili App - Apple Store
An app of news, events and businesses in Modena
Poste Italiane
Italian postal service
Modena Today
Publications of the latest news, sports and culture in Modena
Victoria Cinema
Tuesday night English movie in original language
Gazzetta di Modena
Publication of news about Modena and the region around the city
Modena Bimbi
Events and services for families in the region
La Bottega di Merlino
Shop for books and games for children also offering creative workshops in Modena
Libreria Libri sul Como
Bookshop for children and adults in Maranello