Two weeks after the AGM we met for the first time as a new board at our favorite restaurant Amber, where we took an entire evening – accompanied by a cozy atmosphere and yummy ethnic food – to get to know each other. Each of our stories, dreams, and motivations worth an entire article… but this must wait for another time.

- Walk the talk: Bring the IWAM Vision to life and get ALL our members actively involved within the association
- Back to the roots: Programming of events and activities first and foremost for OUR members will be the core of what we will do
- Treasure the past and embrace the new: focus on knowledge transfer and onboarding to ensure a solid basis for volunteers and new members alike upon which they can develop new ideas and get into action
In order to properly live those goals, we saw the need to change the setup of the IWA Modena board by reallocating responsibilities and introducing new board roles.
Presenting the new IWA Modena board
Responsible for managing and coordinating all IWA Modena lead events and activities. Quyen and Sam will manage all internal events and activities – social and personal development ones – as well as the external events and activities we organize for our community partners (fundraising events, etc). The management of our charity partnerships also fall under their responsibility.

Responsible for an active and memorable experience of all our members. Sandra will overlook the onboarding and mentoring process of new members as well as introduce us to our new “paying it forward” program.

Responsible for guiding our successful digital media activities. Evelyn will lead our digital media team and manage our social media activities (Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, our website (which is growing in importance) and this fabulous newsletter.

Responsible for our internal communication strategy and its realization. Sabrina is furthermore responsible as well for our marketing material, our legendary merchandising products and our long-awaited welcome book project (3rd edition is in the making!).

Responsible for liaising with local entities and associations. Rosy not only establishes relations with the commune and other local organizations but also is responsible – together with the president – for spreading the word and shaping the image of our association to the world around us.

Responsible for everything related to our members. Lavinia is the first contact for our members when they join the association but also during the membership for any questions our members have. As the secretary she is also responsible for keeping track about our board and member meetings, the membership base and everything related.

Responsible for Finance and Cash management of the association. Deniz keeps a close eye on our expenses, prepares our budget and manages all incomes and other cash related activities of the association like fundraising. In her function as vice president, she legally steps in when the president is not available to fulfill her duties.

Legal representation of IWA Modena, responsible for the overall IWAM Strategy and its implementation, for inspiring and leading the IWAM Board and ensuring the knowledge transfer between volunteers (Board Handbook 3rd edition)

We are looking forward to seeing you in one of our teams 😉
Simone & the board