Latest News
Find out about IWA Modena’s latest activities and events as well as reading our older posts.
Life Prototyping Workshop Event
With the guidance and support of Happiness Coach; Radiana Miteva, our members started a journey of discovery to improve their state of mind.
Magnalonga di Corlo Event
Read about the Magnalongo Città di Corlo Wine and Food Trail event that some of our members attended in May 2024 with their friends/partners.
IWAM Volunteers Thank You Evening
Reflecting on the Volunteers thank you evening, our new Volunteers Manager, Lena, shares her thoughts and plans for her new role.
IWAM Business Table Recap 2023
In 2023, the Business Table interest group was very actively engaging its members; getting inspired while networking and eating! Intrigued?
A tribute to female friendship
Friendship among women. As the days approached for my trip to India, I knew this: the journey of a lifetime was about to come true!
IWA Modena Bikers Group 2023 Recap
One year IWAM Biking! As the Winter break approaches, here's a review of what our Bikers have been up to! The IWAM Biking Group currently has 22 participants and was formed by our two members Nathalie and Liz after meeting up for a ride in October 2022. The aim of the...
Language, Learning, and Living in Italy
Introducing the IWAM Italian Language Interest Group and some of their events which took place during the end of 2023. It’s a busy group, join them!
IWAM Christmas Party 2023
December is a month filled with merriment, and this year, the women of our association decided to celebrate the spirit of the season in style once again. Our Christmas party, held at a wonderful venue; La Compagnia del Tortellino, that sparkled with holiday charm,...
Want to be My Friend?
IWA Modena’s interest groups provide the opportunity to connect with like-minded women and build on skills, knowledge and make friends. Read about the experiences of our member Fabiana following a Gardening Group event.
Volunteers Thank You Event
Volunteering for IWA Modena is very rewarding. Not only does it help the association thrive, it also gives the individuals themselves the opportunity to gain skills, confidence and friendships. Read about our thank you event.
Welcome Back to Modena
IWA Modena welcomed back its members after the summer at a picnic event. Check out the photos of the event.
Biking from Margreta to Sassuolo and Roteglia
IWA Modena Biking group hit the trails again. This time with some mountain and river views and some rather special cake. Read on to find out.