IWAM and Il Cesto di Ciliege Kickoff event
On Thursday, October 1, 2020, IWA Modena and Ilcestodiciliege Onlus launched their exciting new charity partnership with their collaborative event: “In vita alla Prevenzione”.
The event kicked off with introductions of both organizations and their recent charity partnership by Il Cesto di Ciliege President, Carmela Mastroianni and IWA Modena President, Simone Zaminer.
The evening included informative insights into breast cancer from Professor Tazzioli as well as an enlightening and practical presentation on the disease and its prevention from Dott.ssa A.Toss, an oncologist from the Policlinico of Modena, and Dott.ssa A. Andreotti, a surgeon from the Policlinico of Modena. Many thanks also to Dott.ssa R.Battista who joined the presentation with a short update at the end.
You can find more information on our website about this new partnership here: IWA Modena and Il Cesto di Ciliege.
Lucky for us, all presenters agreed to share their slides and allowed us to tape their presentation. So, if you couldn’t join the kickoff event or simply want to take a deeper look, you can do so right here. [Members only, you have to be logged in]