In line with our association’s fundamental values, reciprocity, the IWA Modena has supported Casa Delle Donne Contro la Violenza for the last four years, since 2018. Casa Delle Donne contro la Violenza is a charity based in Modena rooted in fundamental feminism principles, aiming to address gender inequalities and empower women to take control of their lives. The association offers a whole journey of support starting from the first reception/welcoming of women who seek help, planning together their way out of the situation of violence, psychological and legal support, temporary shelter, liaising with relevant social, juristic, police forces, maternal support for them and their kids.
In November 2019, an annual charity gala was held by the IWAM in support of Casa Delle Donne Contro la Violenza. It was held in the Pagani museum (perhaps say how ‘cool’ the night was and put the link of the relevant event on IWAM site for photos). 10,300 Euros was raised in total between ticket sales and auction items, which went directly to Casa Delle Donne Contro la Violenza towards their project: Operation: Everyday Essentials. to provide women and their children who are staying at an emergency shelter in Modena with the necessary everyday essentials (food, basic toiletries, clothing, etc.) to manage the first days of an emergency, when they have to leave their home to hide from their violent partner.
Over 55 sponsors supported the event. All companies from the Modena area. All with one goal: to help women get out of violence.
Casa Delle Donne Contro la Violenza have shared with us a compelling report, showcasing how our donation money was spent and the impact our support had. We couldn’t be happier hearing it and especially the two stories of the women who were supported in a way that CDD couldn’t have done without the extra donations. Please open the link which will take you directly to the report. Having read it we hope you will all have the feeling of shared pride about how women can support women and about the the impact of our community engagement work that highlights that our work and donations go a long and lasting way.
There is an apericena fundraiser on 23rd september. If you are interested in joining please contact Sam.
Thank you to everyone who helped with this campaign and all the others we have been involved with and future ones to come. If you would like to join the charity team, please get in touch with Sam and Quyen.